Award winning, high performance cleaning & degreasing spray. Water based and biodegradable. Safe to use on metals, paints and coatings.
Use it neat as a degreaser, or dilute it for use as a bike wash or general purpose cleaner. Cuts easily through oil, dirt, grease and grime! Available in reusable 1 ltr trigger bottle and in our 5 ltr eco-refill pouch.
Use as a degreaser
- Apply product neat to the surface that requires degreasing. The liquid can also be used as a degreasing soak (bath) for a few minutes, before cleaning off.
- Agitate with brush or sponge.
- Rinse with clean water.
- (Optional) Lubricate and/or protect surfaces with your preferred XCP Professional spray, as necessary.
Use as a cleaner
- Dilute 1 part XCP CLEANER & DEGREASER with up to 10 parts water (select according to strength of cleaning power).
- Spray surfaces with diluted mix and allow to soak for a few minutes.
- Agitate with brush or sponge.
- Rinse with clean water.
- (Optional) Lubricate and/or protect surfaces with your preferred XCP Professional spray, as necessary.
Key features
- Water-based cleaning & degreasing
- Cuts through grease, oil, dirt and grime
- Water based & biodegradable
- Safe on metals, plastics & coatings*
- Non-corrosive & non-flammable
- Petroleum free

Cleaner Testing
Independent Testing: The results are in, and the experts agree! Check out this thorough examination of more than 69 different cleaners

Download the XCP Cleaner & Degreaser product information sheet
ECO-Refill Pouches
One of the major challenges of our time is to help reduce society’s dependency on the world’s finite natural resources, and at XCP Professional, we’re always looking for new ways to improve our processes, products and packaging.
With XCP GREEN ONE, we have shown that environmentally friendly products can perform just as powerfully as ‘traditional’ products, and there doesn’t need to be any ‘eco-compromise’.
Our next focus was to find a way to get our products into your hands in a more eco-friendly way. And we’ve done it, with our new XCP Cleaner & Degreaser Eco-refill pouch.
Instead of using more plastic intensive jerry can containers, our eco-refill pouch uses up to 50% less plastic than a traditional HDPE jerry can. It is also lighter and therefore less energy intensive to move through the supply chain.
The next question comes in the form of recycling. Plastics have been widely recycled for some time, but they remain a less sustainable packaging option.
Whilst not as widely recycled as material like glass, our XCP Cleaner & Degreaser pouches can be recycled by many private companies such as TerraCycle UK.
You can either drop off your empty pouch at a designated TerraCycle recycling point, or alternatively, pop your pouch in the post back to us, and we will pass it on to TerraCycle, where they will turn them into workable materials such as metal sheeting, plastic beams, etc.
The nett result?
Less new plastic being manufactured, resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and a step closer towards a more sustainable future. For more information, please visit TerraCycle’s website.